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Withdraw Voucher

In this example, we will be taking a look at the steps required to withdraw voucher tokens from a user's virtual balance. The Withdraw parameters are the following:


We will go through all the steps needed to get each of the parameters.


The following steps describe the workflow to successfully withdraw voucher tokens from a user's virtual balance:

1. Select the chain to withdraw from

To select the chain to withdraw from, simply let the user connect their wallet address for that chain.

2. Select the token to withdraw

Next, we need to let the user select which voucher tokens they want to withdraw. To do this, we need to get all the available virtual balances for the user. We can do this using the User Balance query:


You need to specify the chain_uid and address of the connected wallet.

query Vcoin($user: CrossChainUserInput) {
vcoin {
user_balance(user: $user) {
balances {

The response will return all the voucher coins types and amounts:

"data": {
"vcoin": {
"user_balance": {
"balances": [
"amount": "14948819981",
"token_id": "eth"
"amount": "15051408993",
"token_id": "nibi"
"amount": "0",
"token_id": "pepe"
"amount": "9960024",
"token_id": "sol"
"amount": "52119815540",
"token_id": "usdc"
"amount": "6501496",
"token_id": "usdt"

3. Select the chain to withdraw to

Now we need to fetch the chains that have escrows containing the token to withdraw. We can use the Escrows query:

query Router($token: String!) {
router {
escrows(token: $token) {

The response will be similar to the following:

"data": {
"router": {
"escrows": [
"chain_uid": "ethereum",
"balance": "10056427356303",
"chain_id": "localwasma-1"
"chain_uid": "nibiru",
"balance": "20000344703107",
"chain_id": "localnibirua-1"
"chain_uid": "osmosis",
"balance": "20001528299054",
"chain_id": "localwasma-1"

The user can then slect the chain they want to redeem the voucher tokens on.

4. Specify the amount to withdraw

Prompt the user to select the amount of tokens to withdraw.

5. Generate the transaction

  • Use the responses we got in all the previous steps for the fields.
  • For sender address and chain_uid use the ones from the connected chain. In the example below, we are using a Keplr wallet.
  • The cross_chain_addresses are taken as an input from the user. The addresses for different chains can be fetched from the wallet using the chain Id. Specify addresses on chains that have escrows with the required token (step 3).

const msg = await"/execute/vcoin/withdraw", {
token: data.token, // token to withdraw
amount: data.amount, //amount to withdraw
cross_chain_addresses: data.crossChainAddresses, //addresses to withdraw to
sender: {
address: wallet!.bech32Address, //wallet address
chain_uid: chain!.chain_uid,
}).then((res) => as TxResult);

6. Broadcast the transaction to chain

The final step will be broadcasting this transaction to the chain and signing it with the connected wallet:

 const tx = await client!.executeMultiple(
"Remove Liquidity"
return tx;