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The Escrow smart contract is a simple contract that holds one type of token. Each integrated chain will have these escrows deployed, holding the liquidity for the tokens. Whenever a swap is successful, the factory contract of the chain will forward a message from the router to the escrow requesting a release of tokens to the user who initiated the swap.

The Escrow has a line of communication with the Virtual Pool (through the Factory and Router) that allows for messaging to move tokens when appropriate. There are two main cases whenever a user sends out a token A to be swapped for a token B:


Each Escrow holds only one type of token.

  • If a transaction is successful, an Escrow successfully stores the A tokens, and the B tokens are released to the user by another escrow.

  • If a transaction fails (high slippage) or is timed out, the A tokens are returned back to the user.

  • Euclid's allows its users to specify which chains to release the funds on with the respective amount for each chain.

  • We will dive deeper into each of the Escrow's messages in the Escrow Smart Contract section.

Factory Architecture